Accenture TechXplore Hackathon 2019

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Late post. Last weekend, July 20 to 21, 2019 was the Accenture TechXplore Hackathon 2019, a hackathon event by Accenture that was held at Accenture Liquid Studio Manila, BGC. Fortunately, our team qualified, but unfortunately we lost. Anyways, I’m just here to share our hackathon presentation and experience of the said event. And yes, we used Alexa!

We are Team Hackathron! I team up with Amah Galon (Entrepreneur), Tom Chua (Mobile Android Dev), Chelzea Hannah Siy (Frontend/Graphics) and me as Team Lead/Web Dev/AlexaSkills Dev. I met Tom Chua and Chelzea Hannah Siy at AngelHack 2019 hackathon, HackTheHive2019 and other several hackathons. Photos credits to Chelzea Hannah Siy.

I like the concept of Accenture TechXplore Hackathon 2019 equal gender. If your team is 2 boys and 2 girls, automatically you have 10,000 pesos Yipee!. I’ve joined several hackathons and honestly, this hackathon event is the best or perfect hackathon event. Unlimited food, good air condition, fast internet, with sleeping area with sleeping bags and pillows, very comfortable chair and table, lot’s of freebies, all with medals, big cash prizes and what else can you ask for! All are winners!

There are 6 problems to select with and we chose problem no. 5

How might we use new technologies to provide better retail experiences for customers both in physical stores and online stores while helping the retailer maintain better stock levels?

So the solution: Hackathron “Buy anytime, in anyway. Hackathron King of Online Store.” Below is our presentation

And below is our demo.

Demo 1: 360 degrees product view can save customer’s time and money and make buying more convenient. Customer’s won’t have to travel in order to make decisions and complete the transaction.

Demo 2: Alexa Shopping Cart. No need to run in-store, even running on your mobile and laptop just to order. The customer will have more time to focus on the things that truly matters while doing the necessary things which is ordering.

Demo 3: Mobile App with fingerprint OTP. We make our User Interface less friction without sacrificing security, goodbye google authenticator or OTP (one time password) SMS. Giving more convenience without compromising the security.

Demo 4: Real time notification to in-store personal about their stocks.

Again, we lost, I think our presentation is lack of “Story” or “Hugot” which I noticed on the top 5 presenters. We mainly focus on solving the problem literally. You can’t win all hackathons so better luck next time for us. But going home with freebies, medals, 10,000 pesos and with good friends, it’s a win!

Thank you Accenture. See you in the next Hackathon!

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